
Much like those who believe that they are qualified to lead (and who, consequently, run for public office) tend to hold self-inflated, narcissistic, and ultimately self-destructive views of themselves, those who blog tend to think what they have to say is more important than it probably is.

So, here is a blog!

This isn’t to gather a following or build a brand or change the world through the written word.  I like to write, so I’m going to write, and instead of stowing my thoughts away on a laptop that I’ll never back up, I’ll do it here.  I have a lot of respect for those who take accountability for their actions and for those who make themselves vulnerable.  So, actions speak louder than words, put your money where your mouth is, don’t throw stones at birds in glass bushes, etc., etc.

Things I’m into: my family, my friends, world changing technologies, entrepreneurs who think big and execute aggressively, people who listen to podcasts and read The New Yorker while managing not to talk about it, Nicolas Cage, meeting new people, running into old friends, world history, almost anything non-fiction, professional wrestling up until 2003 (and again briefly in 2009), laughing, traveling to new places & relaxing in old ones, the Patriots, scuba diving, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago.  Happiness.

Things I’m not into: I learned long ago not to focus too much on these.  And The Montreal Canadiens.